
For student resources and support during the COVID-19 outbreak, please visit the SSRI Resources page or the UArizona COVID-19 page.
The Common Ground Alliance (CGA) builds on the collaborative efforts of The UA Cultural Centers, LGBTQ+2S Resource Center, the Women and Gender Resource Center, and the Disability Cultural Center to provide a comprehensive approach to helping students increase their multicultural awareness and their ability to address social justice inequalities.
The robust 6-year history of this project is a direct result of the continued investment of the Student Services Fee Advisory Board. Given the current national context, and the repeated list of demands of UArizona students, the work of this project continues to be important and necessary to the UArizona campus community.
The Common Ground Alliance works to achieve the following goals:
Increase awareness and support for Cultural and Resource Centers.
Critical dialogue through intersectional programming across the student and cultural resource centers.
Offer community building opportunities for students of diverse backgrounds and experiences by hosting intersectional initiatives.
Prioritize leadership and professional development of CGA student staff.
Follow CGA on Instagram for more information on what we're up to!
Given CGA's mission and vision we are offering funding for programming/events that are collaborative in nature and connected to the concept of intersectionality to promote cross-collaborations amongst cultural centers, identity-based student organizations, and campus partners. Click here for more information.
We invite the Queer, Trans People of Color and 2-Spirit community to join together regularly throughout the semester. QTPOC+2S hosts events that promote intentional educational opportunities, community building, and holistic wellness.